Life Calling
Preserving our humanity in the Digital Age.
Founded by John Mack in 2021, Life Calling is a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving our humanity in the Digital Age.
Life Calling envisions a future where we remain grounded in our humanity—no matter the technological environment—ensuring we thrive in all that makes us human individually, collectively, and with nature. The organization assists in answering the call for expanded self-awareness. This is achieved through educational programming rooted in immersive experiences across the arts, culture, and nature, inclusive of publications and self-learning tools—each fostering and catalyzing a more balanced, nuanced and thoughtful perspective as we navigate the Digital Age.
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“Humanity is on a mass-migration from the natural world to the digital world. Without awareness, the enticing baits of smart-devices and A.I. risk to pull us further from our nature. At risk in this maneuver is the fate of the human soul. At its ‘highest purpose’, the rise of virtual worlds and A.I. is a prompt—one that is increasingly calling us to face the digital mirror and self-reflect on what it truly means to be human. The Be Kind Tech Fund answers the call of the Digital Age, and Life Calling is a proud partner in crafting this response.”
John Mack
Founder Life Calling

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Tell us more!

Please complete form below:

Current Round of Investments*
If you have a 3 minute pitch, please share link here:
If you have a deck, please upload here.
Describe in a short sentence what is the problem you are solving

Más información

Por favor completa el siguiente formulario:
Asegúrate de completar todos los campos:
Actual ronda de inversiones*
Si tienes un pitch de 3 minutos, por favor compartir link aca:
Si tienes un deck, por favor compartir aca:
Concisamente describe qué temática tú tecnología aborda.

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Mais informação
Por favor, preencha o formulário abaixo:
Rodada de investimentos atual*
Se você tiver um pitch de 3 minutos, compartilhe o link aqui:
Se você tem uma apresentação, faça o upload aqui:
Descreva brevemente o problema que sua tecnologia visa combater.

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Por favor, preencha o formulário abaixo: